The letter from Tulle - Kirstine Fiil Sørensen
På dansk Tulle
and Gulle 1943 Info
German Section,
Copenhagen Prison West, 29 June 1944
Plenipotentiary of the German Reich for Denmark
Dr. Best.
Since you have executed 8 Danish men today, I want to express my views to Your
Excellency, not for the sake of my family who were shot today, but
all those who will follow them, for we know that some will follow.
Your Excellency, you must understand that because there is sabotage in the city
and 8 men who had nothing to do with that are executed, the unrest
not cease, on the contrary, it will become worse.
have also been in Denmark so long, Your Excellency, that by now you will
probably understand the Danish way of thinking. The work carried out
our men has not been done because of hatred of Germany, but because Denmark is
at war, for Denmark
at war.
But I am also afraid that the hatred of Germany will grow, not in those of us
who are locked up, we have learned to understand the Germans a bit
but in the children who have lost their fathers. What they will think and feel
when they grow up, is not difficult to guess, and I know that they
up to be proud of their fathers.
I have a little girl who has lost her father, her grandfather and her uncle
today. Fortunately she does not understand it, but if she did, she would
be proud of them. The last time I saw my brother he said, ”We know that a rock
can be blown up and a river can be forced another way,
but a people that
does not want it, shall never pass away.”
Denmark does not want that, for Denmark and all those who gave their lives for
Denmark, will bear witness that even a small country like Denmark
must be
allowed to think independently. Now I have nothing more on my mind. I only want
to state that I am proud that I had a husband, a father and
a brother who
were worthy of dying for Denmark.
Kirstine Fiil Sørensen
(Kirstine = Tulle was 25 years old!)